In the Hindu conception of space-time the idea that the outer world is the product of the creative play of Maya (illusion) and , consequently, that ~the world as we know it is not real and concrete, but illusory, is very important. The universe is a constant flow with various levels of reality: the man's primary task is to leave the space-time of the material universe and attain Moksha (liberation). If our consciousness and our spirit were to open up completely, we would be able to understand of every other existence. This would be thanks to the mere fact that we exist, not to our senses or intelligence. This marvellous perception is of divine origin. When our soul, freed from sin, egoistical habits and prejudices, unites with the spirit, it penetrates each and every thing and truly transcends every discrimination. We must become conscious of everything, understand that each day the path of comprehension, participation, dialogue opens up in front of us. In the political and social scene the sons of white men and those of black men, who now always stand opposed to one another, will be ready to unite in love and become brothers. Our disordered way of life, made disgusting by hatred, scorched by rage, is neither harmonious nor peaceful. We are human beings born amongst other human beings; in us coexist many different tendencies that help us to live with others and exchange joy and other essentials. Only if we succeed in achieving complete union between intelligence, love and individual strength, can we say we have become truly liberated.

1. Meeting with the Franciscan monks from the ‘Santuario di San Damiano', Assisi.
2. Fratel Carlo Carretto, founderand spiritual~guide of the Piccoli Fratelli del Vangelo, Spello, Uvnbria.
3. Ghesce Jampa Ghyatso, resident Lama of the ‘Lama Tzong Khapa Institute'in Pomaia with other Buddhist monks.
4. Raphael, essayist, Orientalist and spiritual guide of the Ashram Vidya' in Rome.

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